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Purchasing Car Light Bulbs From Salvage Yard Rather Than A Parts Store

February 17th, 2015 Salvage Hunter Auto Parts
Purchasing Car Light Bulbs From Salvage Yard Rather Than A Parts Store

When you think of vehicle repairs, we often turn to the major components: engine, tires, electrical system, fuel tank, exhaust system, etc… However, even the most mundane of vehicle problems can turn into big issues.


Take for example, a broken headlight. It might or might not impair your driving and with a busy day ahead of you, replacing that light just gets lower and lower on the priority list. But what happens when a police officer happens to catch your missing-headlight-car on their radar? Having a broken or missing headlight can wind up in a traffic violation ticket that can cost upwards of $150.00, or more. Who wants to pay that fine?

Purchasing Car Light Bulbs From Salvage Yard Rather Than A Parts Store

Pay Less For Lightbulbs


A single vehicle light can range from about $7.00 to 25.00 or more depending on the vehicle you drive and what kind of light you need. Almost all hardware stores and all car part stores carry car light bulbs, but the price you pay could be way more than expected. Also, how sure will you be it is the right kind and will the salesperson be helpful?


Salvage yards are commonly thought of as a junk yard, but it’s actually a place where unused car parts are broken up to be saved and sold. Salvage yards are a great resource for car parts that are much less expensive than traditional retailers, and are perfectly fine to utilize. Also, since car parts are the main source of business, employees will certainly be able to help identify which part is needed.


If you are in need of a vehicle light bulb, contact Salvage Hunter Auto Parts today.


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